المعدات الصناعية المختلفة



   Universal Scales was established in 1976 and since then has been dealing in weighing scales.

It started off with selling mechanical scales.

After some time it became the exclusive agent of Berkel International B V Holland which was later purchased by Avery and is now known as Avery Berkel and Weigh Master-England.

In 1980, a mere four years later after it was founded; Universal Scales started dealing in electronic scales also.

At that time it imported electronic scales from Rice Lake-USA and MSI-USA.

Two years later it just imported the components of electronic scales and started assembling them in its own factory.

It also started manufacturing weighbridges and platform scales of different sizes in its factory.

In 1990, Universal Scales expanded its electronic scales business and started importing components for the electronic scales from Far Eastern and Asian companies also, namely Yamato and Teroka in Japan.

Currently, Universal Scales is the importer and distributor of all types of electronic sc

ales from all over the world. Yamato, Dibal, Epel, Setra, Pfreundt, Nagata, Rice Lake, CAS, Unipulse, etc are a few of the companies that it represents.

Due to its commitment, hard work and outstanding performance Universal Scales was recently awarded the exclusive agencies of Industrial Data System-USA, AXIS Sp.z.o.o-Europe and Flintec GmbH.


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