- Adresse: P.O.Box 283769, Dubai, UAE.
Ville : Dubaï - Tel: 0097143388043 /
Fax: 0097143388041
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Transport urbain (bus)
MAVERICK is a specialist independent school bus transport company and responsible for safely transporting students to and from school every day. With an ever growing fleet of buses, we’re able to leverage significant economies of scale, resources, capital investment, experience and systems. We are committed to keeping your school bus transportation systems running safely, smoothly and efficiently 100% of the time.
At MAVERICK, our number one priority is the safety of the students we transport and work tirelessly to ensure the peace of mind of those who have entrusted their children to us. Safety, above all, is the cornerstone on which we build everything. We are dedicated to ensuring children arrive to school safely and on-time so they can make the most of their school day…everyday.
We provide customer focused transportation services including home-to-school and field trip transportation, as well as summer and charter trips across the UAE.
Contacter : MAVERICK
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