- Adresse: P O Box : 73693,Abu Dhabi, UAE
Ville : Abou Dabi - Tel: 009712 5551855 /
Fax: 0097125551755
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SAS FABRIC INDUSTRIES is a National Company established in Abu Dhabi in the year 1992. We specialize in the design, fabrication and installation of Tensile Fabric Structures.
These are architectural lightweight structures, with high-wind rating, made of durable fabrics that shield sunlight but transmit natural day light.
SAS has successfully completed numerous Tensile Fabric projects in the UAE, Gulf & Middle East Region, ranging from simple Car park shades to complex Roof structures and Grandstands.
We work with several types of architectural fabrics ranging from Teflon-coated Fibreglass (PTFE), ETFE, PVC/PVDF – coated Polyester and special HDPE shade cloth.
This website is a record of the many prestigious projects that we did over the years including the iconic fabric structures at Abu Dhabi Corniche and Public Beach, the large fabric tent structure around the Marina Mall Tower, and the Cupola with its Atrium Roof of the Sorbonne University at Al-Reem Island.
SAS possess a highly-qualified Operations and Project Management team, together with experienced in-house field installers, whose combined efforts have successfully produced all these prestigious projects.
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