- Adresse: P.O. Box: 56887
Dubai - United Arab Emirates
Ville : Dubaï - Tel: 0097143394366 /
Fax: 0097143392261
Gsm: - Envoyez nous un E-mail
Service Internet
Envisioning Based on an initial project description provided by the client, LEADERSWeb provides an approximate estimate of the cost and time required to do the work.
- Architecture :
Our project manager closely communicates with the client to elaborate a comprehensive and detailed project concept. Based on that concept he creates a prototype and a Functional Specification (FS). Client also participates by providing feedback and comments that are incorporated into the prototype and FS. When the prototype is approved by the client, a final project estimate is made.
- Development :
At this stage solution coding starts. Project manager continues to communicate with the client to clear up all details and reports on the project progress. He also supervises and coordinates work on graphic design and testing for the solution.
- Launch :
At this stage solution is deployed on client’s servers and is placed into operation. Client actively participates in acceptance of the solution.
About Leaders Web
- Postproduction support and development :
If your solution requires further enhancement or development at any time during operation, our specialists will be able to assist you. You can choose from many support options that we offer the one that suits you better.
- Effective communication :
Our project managers fully understand the importance of seamless communication for the success of the project. Their working hours are shifted to cover most of the working day in UAE. They are very responsive and are willing to discuss project details with you to match your expectations 100%.
- Focused :
Unlike many software development companies we do not disperse our efforts across all services. We specialize in web development. Our specialists are truly professional in what they do and can successfully develop the most sophisticated and challenging web projects.
- Commitment to quality :
We are committed to quality and constantly work on improving it. We use the best industry standards in project management, development and testing.
- Protection of your intellectual property :
We have a strong copyright protection policy. We do not sell the source codes to 3rd parties. All works that we do for our clients are considered to be “work made for hire” and belong to our clients.
Contacter : LEADERSWEB
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