- Adresse: AGECO / Al Radi Printing , Advert . & Gifts Est.
PoBox : 7194,Abu Dhabi
U . A . E
Ville : Abou Dabi - Tel: 0097126746767 /
Fax: 0097126783676
Gsm: - Envoyez nous un E-mail
Communication - Publicite
AGECO activity inculdes supplying all types of gift for all levels simple such as: Plastic Pens , T-Shirt , Valuable items hand Watches , Desk sets , Vip and luxurious gifts such as pewter plastes , crystal gifts in a special design for different occasion.
AGECO is doing all types of printing and fully equipped press experiences staff and labors are ready to carry-out all the types of printing "Business cards , Letter head Envelopes . ETC.. In addition to printing on the gifts or enraving upon requesty.
Menwhile, crystal engraving is also avalable and can be done in a short time.
AGECO is also prominent advertising agent in the region it can advertise in newspaper in both Arabic & English Languange.
AGECO recently had a license to operate for a building sign Oard.
Contacter : AGECO
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