- Adresse: P.O. Box: 506567, Dubai, United Arab Emirates
Ville : Dubaï - Tel: 0097143637470 /
Fax: 0097143637471
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Founded in 1994 and regulated by Banque du Liban (BDL), FFA has become a leader in the fields of capital markets and wealth management. In 2007, the firm was granted a specialized bank license by the BDL and is today known as FFA Private Bank. With a shareholder’s equity of approximately 30 million USD, FFA Private Bank is the leading Private and Investment Bank in Lebanon.
We have become a key player in the GCC and Levant regions through a regional expansion. Our first step in achieving this was the launching of FFA (Dubai) Limited, our wholly owned subsidiary that operates from within the Dubai International Financial Centre (DIFC).
FFA Private Bank is a results-oriented company and, as such, we aim to create value for our select high net worth individuals and businesses around the region.
Through its deep knowledge of the Lebanese and regional markets, FFA Private Bank has the ability to assist businesses, institutions and individuals at different levels.
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